Keto Macarons: How to Make It Low-Carb and Vegan Friendly?

can macarons be keto

Crumbly, colourful, and delightfully flavoured, macarons are some of the most popular sweets around. As with all things sugary, at some point, you must have wondered whether there’s such a thing as keto macarons or those only exist in your imagination. As a huge fan of everything cute and sweet I am determined to find it out. 

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Are macarons keto-friendly?

Macarons (also spelt as “macarons”) are sweet, meringue-inspired confectionery made from egg white, icing sugar, almond meal, granulated sugar, and food colouring. They are presented like sandwich cookies, with ganache, buttercream or jam fillings. The macaron is traditionally believed to have been created in France by an Italian chef working for queen Catherine de Medici during the renaissance period. 

On average, a single macaron serving (two sandwiched cookies) has 176 calories and comprises 15g carbs, 8g fat, and 4g protein. However, depending on the type of macron and the brand, the total carbs may differ. 

For instance, absolutely gorgeous Marky’s french almond macarons contain just 100 calories with 4g total fat, 13g carbs, and 2g protein per serving.

Considering the quantity of sugar, they contain, regular macarons are not suitable for keto. Though some brands, like Marky’s use non-GMO ingredients and the macros overall seem better, their sugar content still may push you out of ketosis in no time. 

Can you make keto macarons?

With the right keto macaron’s ingredients, you can make these delicious treats at home. The traditional french macaron recipe consists of almond flour, powdered sugar, eggs, food gel, refined granulated sugar, and vanilla extract. Some of these ingredients are not good for a keto diet, so it’s best to replace them with healthy, keto-friendly alternatives such as Erythritol that replaces the sugar and flaxseed egg. (That, to my joy are not only keto, but also vegan friendly). 

Tip from the editor: If you are on keto and CRAVING for fresh fluffy bread and thin pizza crust bursting in flavor or any type of “carby” food, don’t miss out on this gem-packed little book of recipes. Bread, sandwiches, pizzas – you can have it all on keto if the recipe is right.

Keto french macarons recipe

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